Jewish Journey
Shabbat, Summer, Rabbi, Convert Rabbi Jessica K. Shimberg Shabbat, Summer, Rabbi, Convert Rabbi Jessica K. Shimberg

Jewish Journey

As we entered last Shabbat, our community welcomed three new Jews into our midst. The two adults are people who have been living Jewishly and as part of Jewish community for quite a while, and the distinction between them and those of us who were born Jewish had become as thin as a fingernail.

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Water’s Nourishment
Rabbi, Summer, Shabbat Rabbi Jessica K. Shimberg Rabbi, Summer, Shabbat Rabbi Jessica K. Shimberg

Water’s Nourishment

Last week, I mentioned the change in the Amidah that speaks of the descent of summer’s dew, and how extraordinary it is to see how the flora of the Flathead Valley manages in the dry heat of summer.

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Tamuz Summer
Shabbat, Rabbi, Summer Allie Maloney Shabbat, Rabbi, Summer Allie Maloney

Tamuz Summer

In the rhythms of Jewish time, and our biblically derived holy days and festivals, summer is a hot, dry span between the early harvests and abundance of Pesach/Passover and Shavuot (meaning weeks and arriving seven weeks after the second night of Passover), and the late harvest of Sukkot, preceded by our Yamim Nora’im (Days of Awe – Rosh HaShanah through Yom Kippur). So too, in the Flathead Valley.

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