
GJC's Annual Purim Celebration
Join GJC for our annual Purim celebration! Email program.director@glacierjc.org for more information.

Shabbat Across Montana
Please join the Montana Association of Rabbis (MAOR), the Montana Jewish Project (MJP), and Montana Jewish community members online for a Shabbat Across Montana. The focus will be on the Hebrew month of Adar and Jewish joy. Coming together in a Montana-wide Jewish community creates new connections and helps us share our joy. This event is free, but registration is required. Please use this link to register.
Family-Style Shabbat Dinner & Birthday Party for the Trees
Please reach out to our Program Director for details about location.

Dinner, Beer and Havdalah
We will say shavua tov to one another and lehitra'ot to Rabbi Jessica as we conclude our High Holiday celebrations. Please email program.director@glacierjc.org for more details.

Shabbat, Sukkot and Simchat Torah Celebration
Join us for a Shabbat, Sukkot and Simchat Torah palooza! This is a potluck event – please bring a dessert, vegetarian dish or drink. Please email program.director@glacierjc.org for more information.

Building the Sukkah
We invite our community to join in the ritual of building the Sukkah. Please email program.director@glacierjc.org for more details. Families of all ages are welcome!

Exploring Sukkot and Harvesting with Rabbi Jessica
Join Rabbi Jessica and other learners as we explore the themes of the ancient harvest festival of Sukkot. Please email program.director@glacierjc.org for more details.

Yom Kippur Morning Services and Yizkor Memorial Service
Join us as we commemorate Yom Kippur with song, liturgy, and Torah. The morning service will be followed by a Yizkor service to honor the lives of our loved ones who are now of blessed memory. Please email program.director@glacierjc.org for more details.
Kol Nidre Services to Begin Yom Kippur
Join us as we enter the gates of Yom Kippur - a day of atonement and at-ONE-ment - through the sacred experience of the recitation of Kol Nidre and our evening service.
Please email program.director@glacierjc.org for more details.

Exploring the Liturgy of the Season with Rabbi Jessica
Join Rabbi Jessica for an exploration of some the most poignant liturgy of the Days of Awe. Please email program.director@glacierjc.org for more details.

Peace & Remembrance Vigil
How do we hold hope in the midst of overwhelming devastation? How do we imagine peace when it feels like violence and anger are everywhere? How do we hold light when we sit with despair?
Jewish custom teaches us to sit with grief in community. We learn the kindness of being present to mourn together. We hold light through shared experience of silence, song, and prayer. We create peace by holding different perspectives with compassion and respect. On this day of remembrance, we will create sacred space to hold the complexity of grief, together, on the anniversary of October 7th.
You are invited to this Peace & Remembrance Vigil, where we will join in silence, song, and prayerful prose. Please bring an open heart and mind, lots of grace, and a deep breath. Like our diverse community, this event is intended to be meaningful for all as an evening of solace and comfort, and is not the opportunity for dialogue or disagreement. Through shared breath, we hope this time with community will bring us each a bit of hope, peace, and light.
Please email program.director@glacierjc.org for more details.

Rosh HaShanah Family Program
We invite our families with children to join Rabbi Jessica for a Rosh Hashanah celebration. Please email program.director@glacierjc.org for location details.

Rosh HaShanah Hike & Tashlikh
Join us for an easy hike and tashlikh as we honor the year ahead and the beauty around us. Please email program.director@glacierjc.org for location details.

Rosh HaShanah Morning Services & Luncheon
Join us for Rosh HaShanah services. Please email program.director@glacierjc.org for more information.

Erev Rosh Hashanah Service & Potluck Dessert Oneg
Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה), (literally “head of the year”), is the Jewish New Year.

How Can We Prepare for the Days of Awe? What's on Your Soul this Year?
Elul is a month for reflecting on the year that is nearly over, and thinking about how we wish to enter the year ahead.
Mini Golf
Join us for mini golf on Sunday, Sept. 22 at 3 p.m. This event is open to all ages! Email mnealdoherty@gmail.com to receive more information. See you soon!

Shabbat Dinner
Join us for Shabbat dinner on Sept. 13. This is a great opportunity to say goodbye to our summer friends, get to know new faces and be together.

How Can We Prepare for the Days of Awe? What's on Your Soul this Year?
Elul is a month for reflecting on the year that is nearly over, and thinking about how we wish to enter the year ahead.

Tu B'Av
Tu B’Av (Hebrew: ט״ו באב, the fifteenth of the month Av) is a minor Jewish holiday. In modern-day Israel, it is celebrated as a holiday of love (חג האהבה Ḥag HaAhava).

Shabbat Morning Hike
Join us for some spiritual and trail nourishment on the Finger Lake Trail.

Annual Meeting
As we head into summer, the Steering Committee and Rabbi Jessica are looking to expand programming to better meet the needs of our community. We are also working on a redesign of our logo and website to make them more meaningful, accessible and modern.

Rosh Chodesh
Today is the first of the two Rosh Chodesh ("Head of the Month") days for the Hebrew month of "Tammuz" (when a month has 30 days, both the last day of the month and the first day of the following month serve as the following month's Rosh Chodesh).