As a New Year Approaches
This week, some of us saw the full moon. Jewishly speaking, this was the full moon of Elul, the last moonth before we enter a new Jewish year. And whether we saw it or not, whether we heard about it or not, whether we thought about it or not, the moon was full and is now waning toward the dark fertility of the new moon of Tishrei, the day on which we will begin our Jewish New Year, 5785.

Holocaust Remembrance Day
…because Judaism sagaciously holds the complexities and coexistence of sorrow and joy, destruction and celebration, persecution and resistance, despair and hope, Yom HaShoah is also Israel’s day of remembering those who bravely resisted, even against devastating odds.

Reflecting on Passover
Thank you for joining us for what was a meaningful and fun week of Pesach events. Nearly 60 of you joined us for seder at The Patio, where we ate Ellie and Orion's delicious meal and shared the Passover story across many generations.